I am honored to announce that my book Detecting Fraud in Organizations: Techniques, Tools and Resources was reviewed in the June 2013 issue of The CPA Journal. You can see the review here.
Professor Joseph Petrucelli recently oversaw the preparation and finalization of an Honors thesis paper for one of his fraud students, Daniel O'Shaughnessy.
In Detecting Fraud in Organizations (Wiley Corporate F&A) Joseph Petrucelli presents his One-Minute Fraud Mysteries. These mysteries describe hypothetical situations that you can analyze for fraud. Here we present Xtranormal video versions of the One-Minute Fraud Mysteries. Watch the intro video and then check out the mysteries. Analyze the situation presented and determine if and…
So why did I choose the 800 Pound Friendly Gorilla as my book’s fraud fighting mascot? I have come across a lot of interesting information since I began doing research for my book. I spent a lot of time looking up various animals and found the gorilla to be the best fit. Gorillas are a…